Klaviyo settings
The Klaviyo settings page offers several important pieces of functionality which allow users to maintain their integration on a day to day basis.
Last updated
The Klaviyo settings page offers several important pieces of functionality which allow users to maintain their integration on a day to day basis.
Last updated
In order to access the integration settings you can navigate to Integrations via the nav bar, then select the Klaviyo integration
From there you will see a list of the settings options available Integration Status: Shows the connection status of the Klaviyo account paired with ZAP~POST
Data Connections: Allows users to manage the campaign data connection, pairing lists & segment profiles with ZAP Sends.
Sync History: This will show details of any data ingestion events that have occurred as part of the integration
Settings: Change the sync frequency and address correction options
Logs: View API logs from Klaviyo and ZAP~POST for troubleshooting and data auditing purposes.
The integration status will detail how many Klaviyo accounts that are paired with your ZAP~POST account, showing the connection status and allowing users to disconnect the Klaviyo instance. Disconnecting this integration will also remove any data connections you currently have setup for the integration.
This page shows your Zap campaigns that have data connections and offers several key pieces of information and functionality when it comes to the Klaviyo integration. It will show which Klaviyo segments or lists are currently configured with your ZAP Campaigns showing key information such as: Connected Data, Connect Name, Connection Type, Last Submission Date and status. All dates are displayed in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The sync connections button allows users to bypass the scheduled ingestion and manually trigger an immediate ingestion event. This will cause the connection to compile any contained profiles into a ZAP Submission using the campaigns published artwork which will be processed and mailed.
If a user needs to pause a connection for any reason, they can use the pause button which will stop the ingest of any new records until the connection is un-paused.
It's important to note that when a connection is paused, records are not stored to be ingested at a later date. When the connection is eventually activated again it will only ingest the records currently contained in the segment.
If for any reason you should need to change the data mapping on your connection, this can be done via the mapping button on the table. This will open the mapping UI and allow any values to be set as needed.
This will remove the data connection, unpairing the list or segment from the ZAP Campaign.
Sync history will show the details of any historic data ingestion events from Klaviyo detailing the following: Campaign name, segment or list name, segment or list type, ingestion date, profile count, submission link (When applicable) and a slide out containing further information (Sync Id, Submission Id, Sync, Number of Successfully-Imported Profiles, Number of Failed Profiles, Sync Errors).
When enabled, we will automatically update any of your connected Klaviyo profiles’ address data when we find a problem with the address as part of our PAF and Cleanse processes.
Users can alter the frequency within which we poll Klaviyo. This can range from once an hour to once a day.
In this section users can view the technical logs for the integration. This information is critical for troubleshooting and data auditing information.
Users can view the following information: Data of API request, API Verb, URL, Response Status Code as well as the request and response header and body information.